Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами in t. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словами in t. Страница три

catch it in the neck
get it in the neck
To be blamed or punished.
Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained.
Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.
change horses in the middle of a stream
change horses in midstream
To make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity.
When a new President is to be elected during a war, the people may decide not to change horses in the middle of a stream.
come down in the world
To lose a place of respect or honor, become lower (as in rank or fortune).
Потерять уважение или почет, стать ниже (в звании или состоянии).
The stranger plainly had come down a long way in the world.
Незнакомец явно когда-то вращался в высших кругах.
Once a successful entrepreneur, she found herself feeling as if she had come down in the world after her business failed
Когда-то она была успешным предпринимателем, но после того, как ее бизнес потерпел крах, она почувствовала себя так, будто ее жизнь рухнула.
Though he had come down in the world, he maintained his dignity and continued to work hard to rebuild his life.
Хотя он и пал в глазах общества, он сохранил достоинство и продолжал упорно трудиться, чтобы восстановить свою жизнь.
come out in the open
get out in the open
To reveal one's true identity or intentions.
Fred finally came out in the open and admitted that he was gay.
To declare one's position openly.
The conservative Democratic candidate came out in the open and declared that he would join the Republican party.
come up in the world
rise in the world
To gain success, wealth, or importance in life; rise to a position of greater wealth or importance.
He had come up in the world since he peddled his wife's baked goods from a pushcart.
diamond in the rough
rough diamond
A very smart person without a formal education who may have untutored manners.
Jack never went to school but he is extremely talented; he is a veritable diamond in the rough.
dog in the manger
A person who is unwilling to let another use what he himself has no use for.
Although Valerie lives alone in that big house, she is like a dog in the manger when it comes to letting someone sharing it with her.
down in the dumps
down in the mouth
Sad or discouraged; gloomy; dejected.
Печальный, расстроенный; мрачный; удрученный - как в воду опущенный.
The boys were certainly down in the dumps when they heard that their team had lost.
You look a bit down in the mouth. What's the matter?
Ты какой-то пасмурный. В чем дело?
Alex has been down in the dumps since he failed his exam.
Алекс мрачнее тучи с тех пор как завалили экзамен.
My friend looked down in the mouth after he finished work today.
Мой друг выглядел уныло после того, как закончил работу сегодня.
Not so long ago I was down in the dumps. I lost my job.
Не так давно я был очень подавлен. Я потерял работу.
Sue looks down in the mouth. What's the matter with her?
Сью как в воду опушенная. Что с ней случилось?